Author Archive | Richard Heggie

WEE Can Succeed……

WeBlog21These days, Scotland is the subject of endless, sometimes hysterical stories of doom, gloom and impending ruin. It’s a wonder we haven’t all drowned in entropy or spontaneously imploded.

It’s a ludicrous and depressing distraction, but fortunately as this ethereally-mongered fear falls to earth it is finding itself slowly overgrown by green shoots. Life remains challenging but there are signs of spring, at least metaphorically.

Take last weekend’s RIAS International Convention, which took as it its theme ‘BIG World, WEE Scotland’. The event grew in the telling, culminating in a warmly barbed poetic contribution from the Scots Makar, Liz Lochhead. There were examples of positive projects and programmes from Europe and the UK, with the transformation of Copenhagen into a people-friendly city a particular inspiration to all who gathered.

Case studies from our close neighbours, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands suggested they are all big enough, wealthy enough and smart enough not only to take care of themselves but to prosper as modern societies.

My own case studies included Tomintoul & Glenlivet, where the communities are rapidly rediscovering themselves. Their recently adopted Regeneration Strategy bridges the urban and rural divide by co-ordinating action across the historic planned village of Tomintoul, the dispersed rural settlement of Glenlivet and a thinly populated 200km2 rural catchment. Its scope extends well beyond large-scale habitat and landscape focused approaches such as RSPB’s Futurescapes and SWT’s Living Landscapes by also focusing on people, communities and place.

A translation of this planner-speak might read, ‘many local people have come together to improve the place they live’. It’s a project which has grown from the ground up, led tentatively then expertly by the community. It attracted exceptionally dynamic and motivated support from the Cairngorms National Park Authority, giving it momentum.

It won backing from the Crown Estate at Glenlivet – the major landowner in the area. Soon, Moray Council, Highlands & Islands Enterprise and Visit Scotland also climbed aboard. A partnership centred on the two local community associations and the area business group has underpinned the Regeneration Strategy.

A previously divided community exposed to long term socio-economic shifts and public service downgrading is rapidly reinventing itself. Membership of a new delivery vehicle – the Tomintoul & Glenlivet Development Trust – already exceeds 25% of the local population.

The area has been selected as one of only 6 community broadband pioneer projects in Scotland. An under-performing Youth Hostel has been taken on by the Trust and renovation is underway. The Crown Estate is on site with a £500,000 Mountain Biking Centre. Gateway public realm and landscaping is proceeding with Cairngorms National Park Authority-secured ‘shovel ready’ Scottish Government funding.

Obviously this alone will not transform Scotland’s economy or society. It won’t register as a case study of ‘BIG World’ significance. However, in its own way, it is a beacon amongst numerous illuminating projects across Scotland, where people and communities are taking a lead in reinvigorating themselves.

As an antidote to our inability to see opportunity, possibility and capability, WEE Scotland has BIG lessons for us all.

“If aw his hums and haws were hams and haggises, the country wad be weel fed!” Liz Lochhead, Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off, 1987.

Richard Heggie

21 May 2013

My Favourite Place

Blog-18-StonesAs part of Book Week Scotland, the Scottish Book Trust has been distributing free copies of a short volume called My Favourite Place. It’s a collection of brief stories, poems and songs by members of the public and a handful of familiar names such as Liz Lochhead, Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul and Michael Palin.

Those of us who claim to be place makers should read it. Only a handful of urban locations are mentioned. Most of the entries relate to landscapes, journeys and remote locations. Others recall rooms or a childhood home.

The most obvious theme is the bond between place and people. Many of the stories are really about relationships, turning points or self-discovery. A place is a favourite because of the added substance arising from the personal event or moment in time which occurred there.

It’s a reminder that buildings, streets and spaces don’t become places until you mix them with people. Crucially, they don’t become memorable or valued places unless they are able to celebrate the needs and aspirations of those who use them – and that means much more than basic functions like a driveway for the car or everything crammed under one supermarket roof.

There are no lowest common denominators in My Favourite Place – other than those where people transcended the gloom or mundanity of their physical surroundings. Equally, there are no signs of anything our planning, urban design or architecture has delivered in the last 50 years.

The book reminds us that people know very well what is important to them. It’s a message I’ve heard endlessly this year, as the call for change gathers momentum. People want to recapture the human aspect of place in their communities and they can’t understand why it’s so difficult to be heard. Call it localism or place making, authenticity or the Big Society – its really about identity and voice versus alienation and powerlessness.

There seems to be a willingness to reflect this mood through planning, architecture and place and community empowerment channels at Scottish Government level and a number of local authorities are wrestling with their development plans in an effort to locate settlement or community planning more centrally. Let hope we see some bold policy, plans and subsequent development proposals arising from this.

Meantime, community development trusts and BIDs are beginning to act as a conduit for change, including trusts which are emerging successfully in the aftermath of our recent projects at Haddington, Tomintoul and Glenlivet.

Big politics only seems more detached than ever from the views of the electorate. We do need to re-engage and seek a more responsive approach to government for the people. There’s no doubt that change is needed.

Sustainable economic growth is a fine premise, but is it delivering sustainability in the ‘green’ sense, or the economic sense? Supporting long lasting indigenous growth in our towns seems to be undervalued. And what good is a town centres review if it doesn’t stem from a deeper understanding of the kind of communities we want to foster?

My favourite place? It’s no particular place. It’s a notion of every place being someplace. When you get there, there’s some there, there. It’s a place with a sense of direction, a sense of where it came from and where it’s going. It’s a place we’d all want to live in, all want to visit, all want to emulate. Can it exist? I’m sure the authors of My Favourite Place would all say ‘Yes’.

“Disneyland is the only people trap operated by a mouse.” – Author Unknown

Richard Heggie