Urban Animation is working with Argyll Estates to deliver a master planned development at Inveraray. The town was originally planned and constructed in the mid 18th Century and is widely considered to be the jewel in the crown of the Scottish planned villages. It is certainly one of the most photogenic towns in Scotland, set dramatically at the edge of Loch Fyne and Loch Shira. As the major landowner at Inveraray, Argyll Estates wishes to play a more active role in facilitating future development at the town.
Much of Inveraray’s historic urban form remains intact. However, the town has expanded significantly and suburbanisation has undermined its fringes and setting. There is an opportunity to establish a fully considered long term framework for development in and around Inveraray and to put in place design guidance which can ensure that in future, expansion of the town achieves a lasting quality. As a stepping stone to mid-Argyll and the Kintyre peninsula, Inveraray is well placed to spread wider benefits which may arise from a successful development.
The Master Plan proposes significant new development over a long term period, uniting the historic and modern parts of the town to form a coherent whole. The architecture and layout of streets will be designed to sit comfortably with the original village but will also meet contemporary needs and aspirations.
The development is housing led, providing a full mix of house types and sizes, including affordable options for sale and rent. Opportunities will also be provided for commercial, business, leisure, community and recreation uses, enabling the town to accommodate new services and facilities locally.
A first phase of 12 affordable homes was completed in 2016 and is now fully occupied. A second phase of 10 affordable housing will be constructed in 2020. A Co-op store has also been constructed adjacent to the Avenue car park and is proving popular with local people and visitors.
Further affordable housing and other residential development is at the design stage. This third phase of housing should proceed in 2021.